Keynote Speakers

Franciso Louçã

He is a Full Professor of Economics in Lisbon at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management og the Technical University of Lisbon and was a member of the Portuguese Parliament from 1999 to 2012.He is also the author of several books and scientific articles on the history of economic thought, the dynamics of complex adaptive systems and the nature of long-term techno-economic change. His scientific books are translated into eleven languages.

Louçã was an active opponent of the dictatorship and was arrested for a protest against the colonial war in 1972. In 1999 he helped found the left-wing party Bloco de Esquerda

Bruno Bosteels

Bruno Bosteels is a literary critic, a translator, and Professor of Romance Studies at Cornell University. He served until 2010 as the General Editor of diacritics. Bosteels is best known to the English-speaking world for his work on Latin American literature and culture and his translations of the work of Alain Badiou.
Bosteels has research interests spanning contemporary philosophy, literary criticism, political and critical theory, and has published over 100 articles in French, Spanish and English.

Nuno Nabais

Nuno Nabais teaches philosophy at the University of Lisbon. He is the author of a number of articles on Nietzsche, Heidegger and Ricoeur. His research field also covers Husserl’s phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics.

Paula Godinho

Paula Godinho is an anthropologist and a professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. She is also a researcher at the Institute for Traditional Literature. Among her works are: Memories of Rural Resistance in South Bharatpur, 1958-1962 (Oeiras: Celta, 2001) and in 2008 she received the Award Xesús Taboada Chivite (Galicia, Spain). 

Stathis Kouvelakis

Stathis Kouvelakis holds a maîtrise and a DEA in philosophy from the University of Paris 10 and a doctorate in political philosophy from the University of Paris 8. He has taught at the University of Paris 8 and was a research fellow at the University of Wolverhampton before coming to King’s in September 2003. 
His main research interests lie in Marx and Marxist tradition, German philosophy and recent critical theory. His recent research has focused on the formation of Marx’s political thought, the trajectory of the Young Hegelians and the critique of political liberalism. 

Judith Revel

Former student of the l'École normale supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud,, Judith Revel specializes in contemporary French thought.
Judith Revel worked on Michel Foucault, to which she has devoted several books and numerous articles, published mainly in France and Italy, around two main themes: the relationship between philosophy of language and literature (in particular developed Foucault in the 1960s), and the passage of biopolitics to the subjectivity in the late 1970s and early 1980s.